Adsense Tips: Making the best of your exposure

As a new AdSense publisher, it is easy to make several mistakes that can cost a lot of work. One of the most frequent is not using in the best way possible the exposure you get when users land do your page.

Remember that, each time a user lands your page you are getting the opportunity to conquer a new potential customer. Think of it like this: if you had to pay to get customers you would have to spend a lot of money to get a large number of customer to visit you.

The more time users spend on your page, the less money you have to spend in order to attract new visitors. In this way, the same visitor can come back again and again.

Content, the secret to keep visitors coming back

As a web publisher, you product is content. This means that, if you want users to visit your page over and over again, you need to prepare new content. Users don't want to go back to a page where nothing happens. It must be a vibrant site, where content is added and it looks like that new information will be available soon.

If you add more content, users will come, the adage says. If you write good pages that have lots of new information, more AdSense money will flow to your pocket.


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